Wrap up warm - dress for mountaineering and you're about right. Places where you can shoot long range tend to be pretty exposed and elevated. We're at 1250ft and there's no trees for windbreaks! However, we are mere feet from the vehicles so there's no trekking about needed. Load up the car with all your gear - no need to be selective. Likewise, bring all your rifles and we'll likely get them all sorted, especially on a multi-day course.
Bring lots of hearty grub to keep you going. I make fresh coffee and tea and can warm up soups and MREs.
What one uses for long range shooting is rather a personal choice but I'll have everything you might need, so don't worry overly. What you will need from the outset is StrelokPro on your phone or tablet, or your Applied ballistics device of choice. Mats, bags etc can all be provided and there is a host of demo kit for you to test out should you wish.
So the real essentials are Strelok Pro on your phone or tablet (Kestrel Elite, Garmin AB watch if you have those), rifle and ammo (about 75rounds pd) and those warm clothes! Don't forget your bolt(s)!
Don't worry if you don't have detailed info such as drag model numbers, spotting scopes, chronographs et al. With various other solid pieces of data we can "reverse engineer" the other variables from ballistics and observations in the field. This indeed is something we'll be looking at as a crucial long range accuracy skill. Whatever the holes in your kit/knowledge/app data we will sort out, so don't worry - I'm here to help you move forward with what you've got, according to your own priorities for your own shooting. Also, nobody will laugh at you - please don't be nervous! I think it's very brave to trek up North to undertake training and I am entirely here to assist you, whatever your current level, be that Champ or a novice. And trust me, any problems you may have, I will have seen it and fixed it 100times before.
However, don't be afraid to pile all your kit in - we are not trekking light here. We'll be 20ft from the cars all day. If you have a spotter, tripod, weather vanes etc then bring it along. A 4x4 helps but isn't essential.
We will chronograph the rifle exactly and input solid data in to the app, and explain why this is important. Crucially, we also discuss with variables are not relevant and can be omitted at the given range, or for speed's sake, for fleeting targets or time-based competitions.
As useful as the ballistic apps are, we also discuss memorising a simple formula for wind correction that will speed up your quick shots below 300y.
We will discuss scope tracking accuracy, click values, the often overlooked cant and crossover, first focal plane vs second focal plane, MOA/MIL and such.
We then start to look at measuring the wind, and noting high and low wind variations, looking at being able to make accurate last second holdoffs after having already dialled most of the needed correction out on the scope.
We'll discuss variables specific to shooting further than 500y, where some extra elements come in to play. We'll talk about gyroscopic stability, twist rates and windage input affecting vertical (aero jump)
At all times, we'll talk about shooting techniques if you desire that input. Things such as bipod loading tensions and post shot followthrough techniques. I don't bully you to use my preferred techniques, rather fix any issues that emerge.
We'll assess the realistic limit of your load/calibre's consistency, giving you an end point for that rifle's potential in a given wind. This is very useful in that you will know what is on and what is a "punt". Long range shooters take a lot of flak from those without the know-how, for taking wild chances and possibly wounding more than is acceptable. We will answer those doubts by enabling you to make informed decisions as to what range your rifle and indeed your mount will shoot .25 MOA or 4MOA. Sticks with a deer rifle is a different set of accuracy goals from a bench rest rifle off a bipod with everything optimised for perfect shots.
We'll focus in the later stages on learning from the solid data gathered though the day's earlier shots. Learning what the wind is doing in a particular section of the valley, for example, makes shots later on in the day more consistent.
Ongoing support will be available from me to move you forward after the day, as there is much to take in. We'll move as fast or slow as you wish and will cement each point with shots on gongs, stones in the hillside, and indeed rabbits if you so wish.
The day is designed to move you forward as much as possible. The goal as we see it for people spending money on training is that this expenditure simply dramatically fast-forwards their learning curve, making for a more complete long range marksman without years of trial and error. Reduced-rate repeat days are then available so you can come back to practise, be that alone or in a small group (cheaper), ask any questions, have more fun, test and set up new equipment and generally have access to a long range shooting facility, including a mile and beyond.